Reporting An Absence
We now have 2 ways for families to report an absence.
- New this year, you can now log into your MISTAR Q ParentConnection account and report the absence from a desktop or download the mobile app. When you login, there will be a link called "Report an Absence" available to you. Please see the instructional documents below to learn more about the steps.
- Although the preferred method is via MISTAR Q ParentConnection, you can call our Attendance Line at (248) 465-2305. Call the attendance Line any time prior to 9:00 a.m. on the day of the absence. Please leave a message including: your child's name, teacher's name, whether your child will be absent or tardy, and the reason for the absence or delay.
Policies and Procedures
All children are expected to be in attendance each day unless they are ill or a family emergency arises.
For your child's protection, we will attempt to contact a parent at home or work if we do not hear from you. In order to avoid unnecessary calls to your home or place of employment, we ask for your cooperation in calling the attendance line whenever your child will be absent or tardy.
For your child's protection, we will attempt to contact a parent at home or work if we do not hear from you. In order to avoid unnecessary calls to your home or place of employment, we ask for your cooperation in calling the attendance line whenever your child will be absent or tardy.
Students are considered “tardy” if they arrive after the start of school. They are considered absent for ½ day or more if they do not arrive before 10:30 a.m.
We realize that there will be instances when your child may be tardy or need to leave early, but please avoid this whenever possible. Tardiness and early dismissal interrupts your child's instructional time. If your child is late for school, a parent must accompany him/her to the office to sign-in. Parents will be notified if absences, tardiness, or the number of early dismissals become excessive.
When a child misses one day, it is not necessary to pick up class work. The teacher will give the assignments to the student upon his/her return. After two consecutive days of an illness, please call the office by 8:45 a.m. to arrange for your child's work to be picked up. Classes may not be interrupted to pick up homework. Students are given one day for each day they are absent due to illness to complete required work.
Regular attendance at school is important for each child's success, and therefore, we discourage families from taking vacation time while school is in session. It is important to understand that class instruction, discussion, and activities at school cannot be duplicated at home. Some students have required extra tutoring at home after extended absences. Please remember that to be successful, your child needs to be in school.
Illnesses at School
In the interest of health and safety of all students, parents will be contacted when students are too ill to remain at school. Parents are expected to pick their children up from school promptly. Students need to stay home for at least 24 hours following any instance of illness, fever, or communicable disease. Parents are advised to establish back-up plans for unexpected situations or illnesses in advance. It is very uncomfortable for children who are sick to remain at school, and such a situation may compromise the health of other children.
Your cooperation in helping your child understand our school policies is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these policies, please contact the building principal.