Northville Public Schools Student Performance Receives High Ranks

Reward Schools are in the top 5% of the state’s Top-to-Bottom ranking methodology, which includes data from achievement, improvement, and achievement gaps in standardized scores. And each of our nine schools were named Reward Schools!
Student Proficiency, which is indicated by a letter grade, is the percentage of students who are meeting Michigan’s academic standards based on statewide test results. It’s important because performance on state tests shows if students are meeting or exceeding grade-level expectations. It also shows if students are on track to be ready for the next grade and for college and career pathways after high school. Each of our nine schools at Northville Public Schools received an A in proficiency!
Student Subgroup Performance, is indicated by a number ranking, is the proficiency of a school’s student subgroups compared with statewide subgroup proficiency. This key area provides context on how a school is serving all of its student subgroups. All students in Michigan public schools are expected to receive an equitable education. All nine of our schools also scored Significantly Above Average in the Student Subgroup Performance area.
“We are extremely proud and excited to see students in all of our K-12 schools achieving this level of success.  We are constantly striving to make sure our students have the best opportunities for learning.  The extremely hard work and dedication of all of our staff is evident in this terrific news.  We are grateful for the time, effort and hard work that has been done by our entire staff to make this a reality.  We should never take for granted this type of success.  It only happens when everyone works together to do whatever it takes for every student to get what they need to be successful,” said Aaron Baughman, Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services, NPS.
School Reward School Proficiency Student Subgroup Performance
Amerman Yes A Significantly Above Average
Moraine Yes A Significantly Above Average
Ridge Wood Yes A Significantly Above Average
Silver Springs Yes A Significantly Above Average
Thornton Creek Yes A Significantly Above Average
Winchester Yes A Significantly Above Average
Meads Mill Yes A Significantly Above Average
Hillside Yes A Significantly Above Average
NHS Yes A Significantly Above Average
If you would like to see a further breakdown of your child’s school, visit MI School Data’s website.